What's new
The latest version of the program is version 2.18.00 (released December 29th, 2011).
VERSION 2.18.00 (released December 29th, 2011)
- Fixed nasty bug that caused PHREEQC to start minimized (invisible) on some systems.
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.18.3-5570).
- Incorporated the VOPO algorithm (Monin, 1989) to calculate density in combination with Pitzer equations.
- Updated Pitzer.dat database with coefficients for VOPO algorithm.
VERSION 2.17.01 (released September 30th, 2010)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.17.5-4799).
- Updated databases.
VERSION 2.17.00 (released April 12th, 2010)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.17.0-4055).
- Restored automatic check for updates.
- Added PHREEQCI file type filters to Open and Save dialogs.
VERSION 2.16.04 (released November 28th, 2009)
- Better error handling in BASIC data blocks
VERSION 2.16.03 (released May 18th, 2009)
- Used a new compiler to fix stability issues in versions 2.16.00 and higher
- Temporarily disabled the automatic check for updates (does not work yet under new compiler)
- Updated Pitzer.dat for density calculations
- Updated the keyword index.
- Added line numbering to the editors.
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.16.0-3467).
- Renamed executable from Phreeqc.exe to PfW.exe.
VERSION 2.16.02 (released March 31st, 2009)
- Fixed a bug with format options in the chart
- Fixed a bug with the displaying of the duration of the simulation
VERSION 2.16.01 (released March 14th, 2009)
- Added updated phreeqd.dat for density calculations
- Fixed a bug with gfw calculator for non-administrator users
VERSION 2.16.00 (released March 12th, 2009)
- Added gram formula weight calculator under Calculations in the main menu
- Added dropdown button to toolbar to quickly change the database
- Decreased CPU usage after calculations were finished
- Added option to shutdown computer after calculations are finished. This way energy can be saved for overnight runs
- Fixed a bug with certain surface complexation calculations
VERSION 2.15.07 (released November 10th, 2008)
- Fixed a bug that caused the program to hang for certain surface complexation calculations.
VERSION 2.15.06 (released August 17th, 2008)
- Rearranged PHREEQC keywords in the keyword index.
VERSION 2.15.05 (released July 15th, 2008)
- Fixed a bug that caused troubles with HTMLHelp under Vista.
VERSION 2.15.04 (released July 13th, 2008)
- Fixed a bug that caused a 'Couldn't find database file' error message at program startup.
VERSION 2.15.03 (released July 12th, 2008)
- Finally fixed the hhctrl.ocx bug that occured on many machines after installing Windows XP updates.
- Added option to select Keywords detail level. This option controls which keywords and identifiers are displayed in the keywords index.
VERSION 2.15.02 (released March 29th, 2008)
- Updated keywords index.
- Added the iso.dat database.
VERSION 2.15.01 (released March 9th, 2008)
- Updated keywords index and syntax highlighter.
- Removed a bug from USER_GRAPH that caused an access violation when -plot_csv_file was used.
VERSION 2.15.00 (released February 29th, 2008)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.15.0-2697).
- Updated the keyword index.
VERSION 2.14.03 (released December 19th, 2007)
- Updated the keyword index.
- Installer no longer requires administrator priviliges.
VERSION 2.14.02 (released November 26th, 2007)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.14.3-2411).
VERSION 2.14.01 (released November 12th, 2007)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.14.1-2270).
VERSION 2.14.00 (released September 8th, 2007)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.14.1-2217).
VERSION 2.13.09 (released August 29th, 2007)
- Fixed a bug that was introduced in version 2.13.08 with the inclusion of the latest PHREEQC-2 source code that sometimes occurred when files were run twice.
VERSION 2.13.08 (released July 8th, 2007)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.13.3-1802).
VERSION 2.13.07 (released June 24th, 2007)
- Contains updated integrate.c and print.c that fix a bug in SURFACE calculations with a variable double-layer thickness.
VERSION 2.13.06 (released June 3rd, 2007)
- Contains an updated transport.c that has improved functionality for MCD transport simulations.
- Contains a bug fix that improper registry values to be read on start up.
VERSION 2.13.05 (released April 6th, 2007)
- This update contains a quick-fix because PHREEQC for Windows did not work with the latest update of Windows XP. The context-sensitive help option has been disabled to fix the problem. Help is still available through the Windows Start Menu entry for PHREEQC for Windows.
VERSION 2.13.04 (released January 31st, 2007)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.13.2-1727).
VERSION 2.13.03 (released January 13th, 2007)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.13.1-1611).
- Fixed minor issue with automatic update function.
VERSION 2.13.02 (released January 10th, 2007)
- Bug fixes in the PHREEQC-2 source code
- New feature: PRHEEQC for Windows automatically checks if updates are available.
- Fixed a few minor glitches.
VERSION 2.13.01 (released January 7th, 2007)
- Converted help file to html-help format. At the same time, the help file has been updated and expanded.
- Multiple instances of PHREEQC for Windows can now be run at the same time.
- New feature: insertion of code examples. When this option is activated, an example of the input structure that is required for the selected keyword or identifier is inserted into the input editor. The inserted code can be adapted to the user's own specific simulation or it can be inserted as a comment, to serve merely as an example.
- New feature: prefix folders to the filename under the DATABASE keyword. PHREEQC for Windows will automatically prefix a folder to the file name so that the user does not have to type the full path of the database file name. The user can choose to prefix the installation folder, the default folder (user-specified) or the folder where the input file is located.
- New feature: .phrq extension is automatically appended to a filename when it is saved without extension.
VERSION 2.13.00 (released November 22nd, 2006)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.13.0-1497).
- Improved setup program.
VERSION 2.12.05 (released July 23rd, 2006)
- Fixed bug that caused problems with tab separator for SOLUTION_SPREAD.
VERSION 2.12.04 (released March 27th, 2006)
- Added window below the keywords treeview that displays a description of all keywords, identifiers and BASIC statements.
- Updated the keywords treeview.
- Included an updated version of the WATEQ4F.DAT database file.
VERSION 2.12.03 (released November 20th, 2005)
- Incorporated the latest version of the PHREEQC-2 source code (version 2.12.1-669).
VERSION 2.12.02 (released November 5th, 2005)
- The Open and Save directories of Input and CSV files are now saved to the registry when PHREEQC for Windows is closed and read when the program is started next time.
- Added option on the Miscellaneous tab under Edit | Preferences to suppress math error warnings the calculations. The program no longer shows a window if a math warning is raised. Instead it can be ignored completely by turning the Display math warnings option off or it is displayed in the Progress Window and output file if turned on.
VERSION 2.12.01 (released November 3rd, 2005)
- Fixed a bug that caused erronous results when simulations with Pitzer equations were ran for the second time.
VERSION 2.12.00 (released October 10th, 2005)
- Incorporates version 2.12 of the PHREEQC-2 source code.
- Added new database: pitzer.dat (note that the Pitzer equations are supported from this version on).
- Improved directory handling during opening and saving of files.
- Added pop-up menus for the output and database viewers.
VERSION 2.11.00 (released March 7th, 2005)
- Incorporates version 2.11 of the PHREEQC-2 source code.
- Added new identifier -plot_csv_file in USER_GRAPH, which loads a CSV file into the grid and plots the result in the chart. See ManualW.pdf for a detailed explanation.
- Added new database: minteq.v4.dat
VERSION 2.10.03 (released December 14th, 2004)
- It is now possible to specify the width of the tab stops for the input, output and database editor under Edit | Preferences.
VERSION 2.10.02 (released November 28th, 2004)
- Fixed bug in USER_GRAPH due to which -connect_simulations did not work properly.
- Fixed flaw in the installer due to which registry entries were not created for users without administrator priviliges.
VERSION 2.10.01 (released November 21st, 2004)
- More flexible installation and better handling of registry access.
- Incorporated a check to prevent the use of commas as a decimal separator.
- Added a link to PHT3D.org in Help | PHREEQC on the Web.
Version 2.10.00 (released November 12th, 2004)
- Incorporates version 2.10 of the PHREEQC-2 source code.
- Improved implementation of DATABASE keyword.
- Progress window now shows the duration of the calculation.
- Improved registry handling.
- Improved output handling.
- Larger toolbar buttons.
Version 2.9.03 (released October 31st, 2004)
- Fixed a bug that was introduced in the KINETICS part with version 2.9 of the source code.
Version 2.9.02 (released October 27th, 2004)
- Fixed a few bugs that were introduced with version 2.9 of the source code (including not writing to the output file)
Version 2.9.01 (released October 26th, 2004)
- Changed logo and modernized toolbar buttons
Version 2.9.00 (released October 24th, 2004)
- Incorporates version 2.9 of the PHREEQC-2 source code
- Updated keywords index
- Updated the link to the PHREEQC for Windows website
- Fixed bug which caused first series to become blank
Version 2.8.03 (released April 13th, 2004)
- Fixed some problems that occured during printing
- Fixed some minor problems with the highlighter
Version 2.8.02 (released March 7th, 2004)
- Updated the help file
- Fixed a minor bug with the TAB key in the input editor
- Fixed some minor problems with the highlighter
- Added the DATABASE keyword to the keywords list
Version 2.8.01 (released March 1st, 2004)
- Fixed a minor problem with the Tip of the Day dialog
Version 2.8.00 (released February 29th, 2004)
Version 2.8 implements some major changes compared to version 1.5.12:
- The installer now checks if a user has administrator privileges. If not, registry settings are stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. If the user does have administrator privileges, file names with extension '.phrq' are associated with PHREEQC for Windows, which means that they can be opened by doubleclicking on them.
- From this version on, Version number of PHREEQC for Windows will run parallel to the version number of PHREEQC-2 by the USGS.
- The find and replace options have been improved and extended.
- The appearance of the statusbar has been improved.
- The nasty bugs in the input editor (lines becoming unreadable etc.) that plagued previous versions of PHREEQC for Windows have been removed!!! A new syntax highlighter has been implemented. BASIC statements are also highlighted.
- The input editor finally has Undo/Redo functionality!!!
- The database editor now has syntax highlight as well.